I’m completely new to Camunda and the forum. So, please be patient with me
used Camunda-version is 7.6.1.
I’ve created a process processing a list of documents into a refund.
Now I want to do the checking and creating claims from the documents in a SubProcess.
My process calls a Webservice (ServiceTask) and gets back a list of pre-generated Claims.
I saved them in a variable “claims” (claims is of Type ArrayList, I saved them with into processVariables with serializationFormat application/xml)
Next, I call a SubProcess, containing
- StartEvent
- ServiceTask checkClaim
- ServiceTask createClaim
I defined the SubProcess as MultiInstance/parellel, with async:after= true, inputParameter=${claims} and no Loop Cardinality.
My application contains an ExecutionListener, that logs all existing variables at events “start”, “end” and “take”
So far, it looks like all the examples.
By viewing the logs I could verify that my claim-List ist filled correctly after the createClaim ServiceTask. And at the end of the SubProcess(-instance)-Level. Next trace is the end of SubProcess_generate_claims#multiInstanceBody - and now my list ist null!
What the hell happened to my collection? I need it later on.
Obviously this happens to all collections in the procesVariables, no matter if they are used in the MultiInstance-SubProcess or not. Simple data types as well as Single ServiceObjects still exist afterwards.
How do I at least keep my list?
And a suffix-question: I would like to either update the elements of my claims-List with the results of the creation or create a new Collection, containing all results. How do I do this? Is there actually a Chance for adding, since my SubProcess is parallel?
Thanks a lot, mkoerner