I have a process model with a user task which has been marked as multi instance. I’ve added a few form fields to the user task with default ids (for example FormField_2666blb). The issue is that once i start the process, the engine creates n number of user tasks and each task has the same form id. This means the each user task overwrites the variable value from the previous user task. Has anyone encountered this before? Is there a best practice for implementing something like this?
Multi instance suggest you want to operate over a coolection of things, eg lineitems in an order etc.
Hence your data structure must reflect the collection construct. In your task, you can access a process variable called loopCounter which can help index into the intrinsic collection.
This really doesn’t answer my question. I have a multi instance user task with generated form fields which have ids such as FormField_3dnee3r. Once I initiate the workflow, claim the first task, update the form and complete then the next task has the same form value as the previous one. I’m guessing this is due to the fact that the form ids are the same. I’m aware of how to collect the data at the end of the multi instance it’s a quesiton of how to render the forms so that the previous data isn’t shown in the next task.