Multi Process Unique BusinessKey

Hi dear camunders,

I am trying to find a way how to use collectoin as unique businessKey for each call activity.
I have tried the following but it is not giving me exactly what I would like to have


thank you for any help


I have to add that in case I change the business key expression to clean EL expression the engine wont do any to string conversion (as supposed).

Can you upload your model?

Hi @Niall,
the following is the main process newMain.bpmn (4.1 KB)
and this is testing subprocess subPro.bpmn (3.3 KB)
testing payload

“messageName” : “testMSG”,
“businessKey” : “test”,
“processVariables” : {
“collection” : {“value” : “{"collection":["DOC1","DOC2"]}”, “type”: “json”}

edit: it seems the forum removed escape characters for the json payload the following is screenshot of it in case you would need it

I have figured it out. Since there is no tostring(), obviously I had to use value().

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Thanks for posting the solution! :slight_smile: