Multiple Items in a Task

I have a question. I have a process where a customer can purchase at least one item. Is there a solution in Form where a customer can enter multiple times which product they want and how many of each.

Hi @FC_Catalonia - I want to make sure I understand the question. You want to show the user a form, and inside that form have them add a dynamic number of items (perhaps by clicking a “Add Another Button” or similar)?

Follow up question: Is the number of items defined previously in the process, or is that something they would be deciding on in this task/form?

Hello, you understood the question correctly. It’s through an Add button that the user can enter something again. The user decides for themselves how much they want to have.

Camunda forms don’t support that sort of a dynamism (at least not yet, I do not know all that the team has planned!). This is one of those scenarios where you would need your own UI for it, then send the data back to the process.

Thank you very much. Your answer has helped me. Can the UI be created with Java, or would I need to use JScript? To be honest, one could say that it’s currently not necessary for someone to create or model a user task with multiple components if they don’t have a UI

How you build the UI is entirely up to you, because it exists completely outside of Camunda. You could use Java, or PHP, or .NET, with or without Javascript. If you choose to use Javascript you could use vanilla Javascript or a framework like React or Angular. It’s entirely up to you.

Thank you. I don’t think I can do this because I’ve never worked with UI before, and honestly, I don’t know how to connect it with Camunda and store multiple items in the process variable. I have always worked with tutorial videos