My model didn't run when use message catch with X gate

i have this error message
Cannot submit task form 55e19c3a-7f98-11ef-83b1-18473d176e0b: org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: Cannot correlate message ‘MyMessage2’: No process definition or execution matches the parameters
this is my test model
test.bpmn (13.3 KB)

Hi @doaa

You are using an intermediate catch message event, MyMessage2, which cannot function as a start message event (since it has no preceding element connected to it). Based on your requirements, you can either replace it with a start message event or connect it to a previous activity to use it as an intermediate catch message event.

Below is a snippet showing the use of the start message event.
Remember that using a start message event means starting a new instance.

Using an intermediate catch message event to correlate with the existing instance can look like the model below

An event-based gateway is used since only one message event is expected to be received.

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thanks a lot , your solution fix my problem