Need Help Configuring Kafka Correlation

I have created an intermediate catch event using the Kafka connector and could use clarification on configuring the correlation information.

I have tried setting the Correlation key (process) to orderId and Correlation key (payload) to the same. I am leveraging one the order examples, that has a workflow variable called orderId. I am also simulating a Kafka event with the following payload:

{"orderId": "31245"}

With these changes, the Workflow does not advance to the next step.

I am running in Camunda Cloud with a local Confluent Kafka instance.

Instead downloaded and run Kafdrop and configured its
KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: INTERNAL://kafka:29092,EXTERNAL://host.docker.internal:9092

With this configuration my Kafka connector started working with a Boostrap server set to:

@e28makaveli You would have to map the correlation key from the message the connector receives. If its part of the message value for example you can extract it like this: =value.orderId