Newbie BPMN2 modeling question

Hi, I am new to BPMN and camunda. How to implement this:
I have a user task, I want to set a timeout, let’s say 3 days.
If user don’t complete the task in 3 days, every hour I will send a SMS message to remind the user.

I tried to use boundary timer event to model the timeout, but failed to repeat the SMS notify task by 1 hour, as the intermedia timer catch event can only have duration, not cycle.
please help…

please note, the SMS task need to start after the 3 days timout.

Hello my friend!

I’m not the best person to talk about camunda 8, but I believe you can do something like my model below:

I hope this helps!

William Robert Alves

from the docs the cycle expresssion can be something like R3/2022-04-27T17:20:00Z/P1D, if the middle part(the start time) can be something dynamic, it will give my problem a simple solution , for example R5/P3D/PT1H, which means delay 3 days, repeat 5 times every 1 hour
@camunda team, is this a valid feature request ?

Hi @West_Farmer,

this process model should do the trick (two stage escalation):

I configured the non interrupting timer with a cycle of R71/PT1H.

Here is the bpmn file:
ApprovalWithReminder.bpmn (5.9 KB)

It takes an hour until I see the first reminder in Operate…

Hope this helps, Ingo


It takes an hour until I see the first reminder in Operate

I need the send reminder task start after 3 days… so this is not what I want.

In the real world, where we allow users a certain amount of time to complete a task, sending reminders during this grace period would be annoying. Isn’t this a reasonable scenario?

thanks for your input, maybe you can take a look at my second post above:

from the docs the cycle expresssion can be something like R3/2022-04-27T17:20:00Z/P1D, if the middle part(the start time) can be something dynamic, it will give my problem a simple solution , for example R5/P3D/PT1H, which means delay 3 days, repeat 5 times every 1 hour
@camunda team, is this a valid feature request ?

@Ingo_Richtsmeier @WilliamR.Alves

despite the docs don’t mention this, :joy: but the modeler seems ok with this:

I will test this process later. I really need to go home now, it’s 2am for me in UTC+8

Hi @West_Farmer,

it is indeed a valid request. Start bothering the user after a while.

I played around with the expression and after entering

= "R3/" + substring(string(now()),1,19) + "Z/PT1M"

into the cycle field, I got a reminder after a minute.

If you want to delay it further, you can add a duration to now() like

"R3/" + substring(string(now() + duration("P3D")),1,19) + "Z/PT1M"

I used the FEEL playground to get instant feedback: FEEL Playground (online) | FEEL-Scala

My last evaluated result was "R3/2023-11-17T17:59:53Z/PT1M"

You can find the temporal expressions and functions in the docs under the FEEL section here: Temporal expressions | Camunda 8 Docs and here: Temporal functions | Camunda 8 Docs

Hope this helps, Ingo

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@Ingo_Richtsmeier maybe you will be interested by this issue #15200 , a more complex challenge… :grinning:
just ignore if not interested.

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