No option to model events

I am using optimize 3.3 but can not able to find any option to model external events from a Non camunda application. Am i doing some thing wrong ?

Also I have a requirement to create report using optimize for a non camunda application . Is it possible to run optimize without camunda application running ?? I guess it depends on OPTIMIZE_CAMUNDABPM_REST_URL . will it be possbile to run wit that URL ?

Hi @anisk,

In order to use Optimize’s Event Based Process feature, you need to enable the feature in the configuration and authorize specific users (or groups) to use the feature. You can do this in the eventBasedProcess section of your config as described in the docs here.

You will not be able to use Optimize without a connection to the engine because Optimize relies on the engine’s user management (so you would not be able to log in without a user that’s been configured in the engine).

Hope that helps!

@Helene Many thanks . Currently I can see these are in configuration and any chnage would need optimize restart . can this value be injected/ chnaged using any rest api ? If i run optimize docker can I inject these value during run of docker ?

  authorizedUserIds: ['demo']
  authorizedGroupIds: ['sales']
    enabled: true
    accessToken: secret

Hi again,

Mounting your config file to your Optimize Docker container should do the trick, you can find some more info on how to do that here.