No Such Method on Context Logger in Camunda 7.20

I am working with Camunda community edition version 7.20.
I am getting error like this
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ‘void org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.interceptor.ContextLogger.log(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)’
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.interceptor.ContextLogger.bpmnStackTrace(
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.interceptor.BpmnStackTrace.printStackTrace(

In my Camunda BPMN model, I have an Auto Approval Timer Event configured. This event triggers the execution of a delegate class. While the timer event jobs are successfully completing, the associated tasks are not being marked as completed (the delegate class is not being invoked) and exceptions occurs, but when i restart the job by setting a new due date in the cockpit, its getting completed.

Hi @rselva216,

Welcome to the community!

There seems to be a mismatch of the versions that you use.
With Camunda 7.20, make sure to use the following side project versions:


If that doesn’t help, please share with us your pom.xml (or other build file) and/or dependency tree of your project (mvn dependency:tree command).


Hi @Yana
We are using Java 17, and these are the major dependency we are using for our project.





In our Azure production environment only when we migrated camunda app & DB version 7.18 to 7.20 & java version 8 to 17, we are facing this issue.

Could you please share your complete pom.xml file.
The incorrect version is most probably coming from another dependency.

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