Non interrupting timer Not Working

Hi Team,
We are working on If the

You’re going to need to upload your model so that we can see the technical detials

we want to implement what we circle in red color.

A picture of the model doesn’t actually show the execution semantics.
i.e. the details you’ve added via the properties panel.

I need what you’ve done to try and get it working.

here…u can findSLA_time.bpmn (4.9 KB)

And can you tell me what you expect to happen and what is actually happening?

what we expecting is if process 1 and process 2 is not complete within 1 min then SLA time out exception will throw or it should not continue happy path because we are added Timer events (non-interrupting time)

Tick the async before and async after box on both tasks.

i try async before and async after box on both tasks. but not working…if time took 3 min in Box 1 it should not go box 2 bcz we added timer but it is going