Not able to export UserTask & Form Data to mongo DB in camunda8 self managed setup

Hi all,
I have followed the below steps to setup the camunda8 self managed[v 8.3.4 ] ,

 Download the latest Zeebe distribution (zeebe-distribution-%{VERSION}.tar.gz )
 Download the latest exporter JAR from
 Copy the exporter JAR into the broker folder ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/exporters. cp exporter/target/zeebe-mongo-exporter-1.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/exporters/
	Add the exporter to the broker configuration ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/config/application.yaml: zeebe: JAVA_HOME
    className: io.crossid.zeebe.exporter.MongoExporter
    jarPath: exporter/target/zeebe-mongo-exporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

      url: mongodb://localhost:27017/
      dbName: my_local

        delay: 5
        size: 1000
        memoryLimit: 10485760

        prefix: zeebe-record
        createTemplate: true
        createCollections: true
        command: true
        process: true
        processInstance: true
        event: true
        rejection: true
        deployment: true
        error: true
        incident: true
        job: true
        jobBatch: false
        message: true
        messageSubscription: true
        variable: true
        variableDocument: true
        workflowInstance: true
        workflowInstanceCreation: true
        workflowInstanceSubscription: true
        timers: true
        form: true
        userTask: true  
	Start the broker ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/bin/broker
  • Setup was successful but only the below data are getting exported to mongo ,







i have developed a tasklist UI on react and wanted to show the users , the usertask along with forms if any for which i am using an mongo exporter to export the data from zeebe to mongo db to render the same onto the UI … As per the above setup , the forms and usertask related data are not getting exported to the DB from zeebe .

please let me know if i am missing something!!!

Hi @theo - the Mongo exporter is a community-maintained package, not an official Camunda product. It looks like it is a couple versions behind in updates and is missing logic to handle some record types. If you look here in the Mongo exporter code and compare with the related logic in the official Elasticsearch exporter, you can see there are many record types not covered.

Hi @nathan.loding - thank you for your response . So the only options left is implementing a job worker to do the export ? . I did come across the repo GitHub - camunda-community-hub/zeebe-simple-tasklist: Zeebe worker to manage manual/user tasks where a job worker writes the usertask to the database . similarly If i want to write the forms data to a database which zeebe client worker should i poll just like the below one for userTask
defaultName: zeebe-simple-tasklist
defaultType: io.camunda.zeebe:userTask
threads: 2

Hi @theo - no, a job worker doesn’t receive all the events from Zeebe to function as an exporter. The exporters are a separate feature/implementation. Job workers are triggered when service tasks are reached in your workflow; exporters export all events throughout the entire process lifecycle.

The zeebe-simple-tasklist application works in conjunction with the zeebe-hazelcast-exporter, as well as providing a job worker that listens for user tasks.

If you only want to work with user task data, using a job worker might be enough, and you can certainly take some ideas from the zeebe-simple-tasklist project!

thank you @nathan.loding . For now i am going with job worker for usertask and using elastic search for form data .