Not able to login to Camunda UI

Hi ,
I have deployed ‘Camunda with Spring Boot’ Application in a Linux-based system. Some of my friends have Linux system while other friends have Windows system. The problem is Linux users are able to login fine and do the tasks but Windows users are not able to login. Can anyone help me out here?

Hi @Anish_kumar
Welcome to the forum.

To help you with your issues, I’m going to need more details about your current setup. Can you answer the following Questions:

  1. Version of Camunda
  2. The exact error that occurs
  3. What difference exist between the two systems - e.g. Java Version DB etc.

The operating system shouldn’t really have too much of an impact on if Camunda runs or not so there’s probably something odd going on with the setup.

Hi @Niall
Please find the details below :-

  1. Version of Camunda 7.12.0
  2. Error : When login using Windows system ,Actually I can see no logs in the Application for Camunda when trying to log in to Camunda UI , So I am assuming the request is not recieved at camunda server. And in the browser console I get the below errors:
    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘indexOf’ of undefined
    at i.e.canAccessApp (camunda-welcome-ui.js?bust=7.12.0:18)
    at fn (eval at compile (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1), :4:173)
    at i.$digest (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
    at i.$apply (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
    at t.done (camunda-welcome-ui.js?bust=7.12.0:18)
    at deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1
    at v.callback (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
    at v. (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
    at v.r.emit (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
    at XMLHttpRequest.r.onreadystatechange (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
at t.e.columnWidth (camunda-welcome-ui.js?bust=7.12.0:18)
at fn (eval at compile (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1), :4:246)
at t.$eval (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
at Object.pre (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
at deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1
at ue (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
at H (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
at deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1
at H (deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1)
at deps.js?bust=7.12.0:1 “

GET http://://api/engine/engine/default/identity/password-policy

GET http://://api/engine/engine/default/group/count

POST http://://api/engine/engine/default/group?maxResults=25&firstResult=0

GET http://://api/engine/engine/default/user/undefined/profile

  1. Java version is same in both systems (Linux and Windows) i.e. Java 12

Can you upload the the POM file that you’re using for the spring boot project.

What do you mean you don’t see any logs?
Do you mean that you can’t find the logs or that there are no errors - can you confirm that the engine actaully starts up correctly?

How call this API, this is the internal rest api and should only be called by the WebApps.

Correct webapps is only calling this apis but status is 404 for this API for windows users.

Normally when Linux user are login we get the below log in the appication but for windows user no such log appears
2021-03-03 14:05:31.623 WARN 24760 --- [nio-8500-exec-4] o.glassfish.jersey.servlet.WebComponent : filterFormParameters A servlet request to the URI http://localhost:port/app-name/api/admin/auth/user/default/login/welcome contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.

Hi @Niall

Please find the dependency used by me in POM related to Camunda



Does this happen with the latest Camunda Version (7.14.0)
Have you made sure the versions match up using the Spring boot comparability matrix

I have not tried with 7.14.0 version of Camunda.
But as per the Spring Boot comparability matrix there is a mismatch for Spring Boot version , I am using Spring Boot 2.1.7 whereas as Spring Boot Comparability matrix shows to use 2.2.x .

If this is the problem then please help me understand
how is that Linux users are able to login fine whereas Windows users are facing this issue.

I am also facing similiar issue in 7.16.0. What is the fix you provided. Is it working for you?

For me actually resetting the browser worked and deleting AppData/local for chrome worked