Not working export to PNG

I am not able to export map to PNG. It gives me the error below. I tried different browsers and we tried another user account. What can be the root cause? Can it be that the map is too big?

Thanks, Lucie

Hi @lucie.basistova!

Can you provide more information on where you are exporting your map? Are you trying to export the model via the web modeler or the desktop modeler?

Can you provide the model (in a different format) that you are having trouble exporting?

Hello Sholstine,

Please see my steps below:

I am sharing the model attached in bpmn format.
Customer Order BA - As Is.bpmn (95.1 KB)

Thank you,

Hi Lucie,

Thank you for your patience!

Also, thank you for sharing your BPMN file with me. It looks like this is a bug on our end, so I’ve raised this internally. In the meantime, I would suggest exporting the model as an SVG file and using an external tool to convert it to a PNG.

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Hi Lucie,

I’m Eric, the Web Modeler Product Manager. I’ll prioritize this bug based on how easy it is to solve and how valuable it is to solve. I’d like to understand your use case - why do you want to convert this to a PNG?


Hi Eric,

Thanks for your message. In my company, business analysts prepare diagrams in Camunda and share them usually in PNG or even printed with directors and key employees to comment on them, brainstorm and suggest simplifications of the process. The company is not used to work in electronic manner (mainly in warehouse where people even do not use email) therefore PNG is the understandable format for them.

Do you have any idea where the root cause can be and how we can avoid it the next time?
