I want to model a process instance which creates several call activities. It can happen, that in one of these call activities it is decided that the parent process instance and all of it’s call activities have to be ended.
As I understand, it is sufficient, to bring the parent process instance to an end and all call activities are ended as well.
So my question:
Is there a way to notify (e.g. with a message) the parent process instance from within a call activity in some way?
I can think of a construct like this …
Parent process:
The call activity process has a message end event to trigger the message boundary event in the parent process instance:
Sorry if I jump to @TheFriedC’s question, but I have a similar case.
I have a Call actibity which calls a subprocess. When the subprocess reaches an event, I want to notify someone in the parent process. I’m thinking of the following:
I tried the following:
From the subprocess, I have an end message throw event with the same name as the boundary message event of the parent activity.
However the message is not caught.
Is this intended behavior?
(Also tried with an intermediate message throw event in the child subprocess)
Well, I will finally use escalation events but I was wondering why it doesn’t work with messages.
So, how can one trigger a message boundary event?
With (delegate) code (Java/REST API)? Or maybe the message through event has to be on the same process?
I think you need to look at how the message throw event should be implemented. It requires a lot more than just adding the name of the message. You can find out in the docs page and there is also some stuff about messaging in this video.