Operate and tasklist not able to connect to Zeebe Partitions

Hello. I’m trying to install camunda-platform with keycloak authentication enabled.
The tasklist and operate do not start with an error

Error occurred when requesting partition ids from Zeebe client: null.

Perhaps I have incorrectly configured the Auth block in values?

## @extra global.identity.auth configuration, to configure identity authentication setup
      ## @param global.identity.auth.enabled if true, enables the identity authentication otherwise basic-auth will be used on all services.
      enabled: true

      ## @param global.identity.auth.issuer defines the issuer name, which is used by the services to validate the JWT tokens.
      issuer: "https://camunda.tltsu.ru/auth/realms/camunda-platform"
      ## @param global.identity.auth.issuerBackendUrl defines the issuer backend URL, which is used by the services to validate the JWT tokens in a container to container context.
      issuerBackendUrl: "https://camunda.tltsu.ru/auth/realms/camunda-platform"
      ## @param global.identity.auth.tokenUrl defines the token URL, which is used by the services to request JWT tokens.
      ## tokenUrl: "http://camunda-keycloak:80/auth/realms/camunda-platform"
      tokenUrl: "https://camunda.tltsu.ru/auth/realms/camunda-platform"
      ## @param global.identity.auth.jwksUrl defines the JWKS URL, which is used by the services to validate the JWT tokens.
      jwksUrl: "https://camunda.tltsu.ru/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/certs"
      ## @param global.identity.auth.type defines the type of authentication which should be used. Defaults to Keycloak
      type: "KEYCLOAK"

      #  defines the token issuer (Keycloak) URL, where the services can request JWT tokens.
      # Should be publicly accessible, per default we assume a port-forward to Keycloak (18080) is created before login.
      ## @param global.identity.auth.publicIssuerUrl Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
      ## publicIssuerUrl: "http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform"
      publicIssuerUrl: "https://camunda.tltsu.ru/auth/realms/camunda-platform"

      ## @extra global.identity.auth.connectors configuration to configure Connectors authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
        ## @param global.identity.auth.connectors.existingSecret can be used to use an own existing secret. If not set a random secret is generated.
        # The existing secret should contain an `connectors-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the identity-Connectors communication.
        existingSecret: ""

Authorization works on optimize. The only difference I see is in the container variable


Where is it set? On operate it is equal to the root domain, on optimize it is put down /optimize.

        ## @param global.identity.auth.operate.clientId defines the client id, which is used by Operate in authentication flows.
        clientId: operate
        ## @param global.identity.auth.operate.audience defines the audience, which is used by Operate.
        audience: operate-api
        ## @param global.identity.auth.operate.existingSecret can be used to reference an existing secret. If not set, a random secret is generated.
        # The existing secret should contain an `operate-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the identity-Operate communication.
        ## @param global.identity.auth.operate.redirectUrl defines the redirect URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Operate.
        # Should be publicly accessible, the default value works if a port-forward to Operate is created to 8081.
        # Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
        #redirectUrl: "http://localhost:8081"
        redirectUrl: "https://camunda.tltsu.ru/operate"

Hi @MalovGI, welcome to the forums! Can you share the full error message? Can you also share your full values.yaml file (with secrets and sensitive values masked or redacted!)?

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