Operate unable to import new data from zeebe indices

For some reasons,my server which installed zeebe and operate was down.I had to create a new server and reinstalled zeebe and operate.

The configuration files(zeebe and operate) were the same as the previous server.

After start zeebe,it works well.And I can find the new data exported to elasticsearch in zeebe’s indices.

After start operate,it is Not working properly.I can’t find new data in the front page,also in operate’s indices.I think Operate stop migerating new data,but don’t know why,don’t know how to resolve.

I try to rename the prefixname of zeebe’s elasticsearch exporter,but the operate doesn’t work.

From the log,I found that the operate did not query the latest indices of zeebe.

So,what’s wrong with me,and please tell me how to resolve it.Thanks!!

Operate start log(sorry I don’t know how to upload the log file):

   ___   _   __  __ _   _ _  _ ___   _      ___  ___ ___ ___    _ _____ ___ 
  / __| /_\ |  \/  | | | | \| |   \ /_\    / _ \| _ \ __| _ \  /_\_   _| __|
 | (__ / _ \| |\/| | |_| | .` | |) / _ \  | (_) |  _/ _||   / / _ \| | | _| 
  \___/_/ \_\_|  |_|\___/|_|\_|___/_/ \_\  \___/|_| |___|_|_\/_/ \_\_| |___|

2022-04-26 06:37:41.340  INFO 13446 --- [kground-preinit] o.h.v.i.u.Version                        : HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.3.Final
2022-04-26 06:37:41.401  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.Application                        : Starting Application using Java 17.0.2 on centos76 with PID 13446 (/root/camunda/camunda-opera
te-8.0.0/lib/operate-webapp-8.0.0-exec.jar started by root in /root/camunda/camunda-operate-8.0.0/bin)
2022-04-26 06:37:41.405 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.Application                        : Running with Spring Boot v2.5.12, Spring v5.3.15
2022-04-26 06:37:41.405  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.Application                        : The following 1 profile is active: "auth"
2022-04-26 06:37:43.573  INFO 13446 --- [           main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'io.camunda.operate.webapp.security.CustomMethodSecurityExpressionHandler' of type [io.ca
munda.operate.webapp.security.CustomMethodSecurityExpressionHandler] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-04-26 06:37:43.577  INFO 13446 --- [           main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'org.springframework.security.access.expression.method.DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHan
dler@4e517165' of type [org.springframework.security.access.expression.method.DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example:
 not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-04-26 06:37:43.577  INFO 13446 --- [           main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'io.camunda.operate.webapp.security.MethodSecurityConfig' of type [io.camunda.operate.web
app.security.MethodSecurityConfig$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$c4e79d8c] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-04-26 06:37:43.594  INFO 13446 --- [           main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'methodSecurityMetadataSource' of type [org.springframework.security.access.method.Delega
tingMethodSecurityMetadataSource] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-04-26 06:37:43.938  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.e.t.TomcatWebServer              : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 6200 (http)
2022-04-26 06:37:43.951  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol                : Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-6200"]
2022-04-26 06:37:43.951  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.a.c.c.StandardService                  : Starting service [Tomcat]
2022-04-26 06:37:43.952  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.a.c.c.StandardEngine                   : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.60]
2022-04-26 06:37:44.031  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/]                        : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2022-04-26 06:37:44.031  INFO 13446 --- [           main] w.s.c.ServletWebServerApplicationContext : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 2558 ms
2022-04-26 06:37:44.236  WARN 13446 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.e.EndpointId                     : Endpoint ID 'usage-metrics' contains invalid characters, please migrate to a valid format.
2022-04-26 06:37:44.310  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.WebappModuleConfiguration          : Starting module: webapp
2022-04-26 06:37:44.349  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.z.ZeebeConnector                   : Use plaintext connection to zeebe
2022-04-26 06:37:44.593 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.e.ElasticsearchConnector           : Creating Elasticsearch connection...
2022-04-26 06:37:44.721  WARN 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.e.ElasticsearchConnector           : Username and/or password for are empty. Basic authentication for elasticsearch is not used.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.152 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.e.ElasticsearchConnector           : Elasticsearch connection was successfully created.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.196  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup                    : SchemaStartup started.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.196  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup                    : SchemaStartup: validate schema.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.356 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-migration-steps-repository*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.362 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-migration-steps-repository*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.366 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-user*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.369 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-user*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.373 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision-requirements*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.376 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision-requirements*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.380 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-metric*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.383 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-metric*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.386 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-import-position*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.389 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-import-position*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.392 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-web-session*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.394 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-web-session*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.397 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.402 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.405 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-process*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.408 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-process*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.411 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-sequence-flow*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.415 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-sequence-flow*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.419 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-incident*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.422 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-incident*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.425 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-batch-operation*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.429 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-batch-operation*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.433 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-variable*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.437 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-variable*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.442 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision-instance*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.445 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision-instance*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.447 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-event*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.452 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-event*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.457 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-flownode-instance*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.462 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-flownode-instance*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.468 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-list-view*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.475 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-list-view*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.481 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-operation*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.484 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-operation*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.505  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup                    : SchemaStartup: schema won't be created, it either already exist, or schema creation is disable
d in configuration.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.505  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup                    : SchemaStartup: migrate schema.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.507  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.3.0-0_incident_pending.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.551  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.2.0-1_incident_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.551  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.2.0-3_user_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.552  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.2.0-4_user_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.552  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.2.0-2_user_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.552  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.2.0-5_user_delete-fields_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.552  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.2.0-0_list-view_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.553  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Read step 1.1.0-0_variable_script.json 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.555 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.ElasticsearchStepsRepository   : Find all steps from Elasticsearch at 
2022-04-26 06:37:45.640  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index migration-steps-repository needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.641 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-migration-steps-repository*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.643  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index metric needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.643  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index user needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.643 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-metric*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.643 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-user*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.646  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index decision-requirements needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.646 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision-requirements*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.648  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index import-position needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.648 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-import-position*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.649  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for metric, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.649  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index web-session needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.649 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-web-session*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.649  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for migration-steps-repository, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.650  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index decision needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.650 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.652  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for user, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.652  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index process needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.652 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-process*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.652  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for decision-requirements, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.653  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index sequence-flow needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.653 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-sequence-flow*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.654  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for web-session, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.654  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index incident needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.654 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-incident*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.655  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for process, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.655  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index batch-operation needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.655 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-batch-operation*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.656  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for decision, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.657  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index variable needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.657 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-variable*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.658  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for import-position, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.658  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index decision-instance needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.658 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-decision-instance*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.658  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for sequence-flow, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.658  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index event needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.658 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-event*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.660  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for decision-instance, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.660  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index flownode-instance needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.660  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for batch-operation, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.661 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-flownode-instance*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.661  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index list-view needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.661 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-list-view*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.662  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for incident, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.662  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : Check if index operation needs to migrate.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.663 DEBUG 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.IndexSchemaValidator             : Getting all indices for operate-8.0-operation*
2022-04-26 06:37:45.664  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_3] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for event, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.664  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_1] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for variable, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.665  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_5] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for flownode-instance, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.666  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_4] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for operation, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.667  INFO 13446 --- [    migration_2] i.c.o.s.m.Migrator                       : No migration needed for list-view, no previous indices found.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.667  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup                    : SchemaStartup finished.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.695  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.ImportModuleConfiguration          : Starting module: importer
2022-04-26 06:37:45.695  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.ArchiverModuleConfiguration        : Starting module: archiver
2022-04-26 06:37:45.930 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.e.ElasticsearchConnector           : Creating Elasticsearch connection...
2022-04-26 06:37:45.930  WARN 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.e.ElasticsearchConnector           : Username and/or password for are empty. Basic authentication for elasticsearch is not used.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.940 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.e.ElasticsearchConnector           : Elasticsearch connection was successfully created.
2022-04-26 06:37:45.955 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.Application                        : Create Data generator stub
2022-04-26 06:37:45.973  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.w.StartupBean                      : INIT: Create users in elasticsearch if not exists ...
2022-04-26 06:37:45.989 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.w.StartupBean                      : INIT: Generate demo data...
2022-04-26 06:37:45.989  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.w.StartupBean                      : INIT: Start operation executor...
2022-04-26 06:37:45.990  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.w.StartupBean                      : INIT: DONE
2022-04-26 06:37:46.004 DEBUG 13446 --- [       Thread-2] i.c.o.w.e.w.BatchOperationWriter         : 0 operations locked
2022-04-26 06:37:46.177  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.z.ZeebeImporter                    : INIT: Start importing data...
2022-04-26 06:37:46.178 DEBUG 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.z.PartitionHolder                  : Requesting partition ids from Zeebe client
2022-04-26 06:37:46.474  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.z.RecordsReaderHolder              : Starting import for partitions: [1]
2022-04-26 06:37:46.486  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.z.ZeebePostImporter                : INIT: Init post importers...
2022-04-26 06:37:46.503 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_3] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [decision-requirements] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEn
tity{aliasName='decision-requirements', partitionId=1, position=0, indexName='null'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.501 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_1] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [process] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{aliasName
='process', partitionId=1, position=179012, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_process_8.0.0_2022-04-24'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.502 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_2] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [decision] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{aliasNam
e='decision', partitionId=1, position=0, indexName='null'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.604 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_1] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [decision-evaluation] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEnti
ty{aliasName='decision-evaluation', partitionId=1, position=0, indexName='null'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.605 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_2] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [job] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{aliasName='jo
b', partitionId=1, position=195454, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_job_8.0.0_2022-04-24'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.609 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_3] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [incident] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{aliasNam
e='incident', partitionId=1, position=174153, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_incident_8.0.0_2022-04-24'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.611 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_1] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [variable-document] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity
{aliasName='variable-document', partitionId=1, position=82311, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_variable-document_8.0.0_2022-04-20'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.614 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_2] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [process-instance] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{
aliasName='process-instance', partitionId=1, position=195472, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_process-instance_8.0.0_2022-04-24'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.617 DEBUG 13446 --- [ecords_reader_3] i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [variable] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{aliasNam
e='variable', partitionId=1, position=195461, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_variable_8.0.0_2022-04-24'}
2022-04-26 06:37:46.654  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.a.Archiver                         : INIT: Start archiving data...
2022-04-26 06:37:46.655  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.a.Archiver                         : Starting archiver for partitions: [1]
2022-04-26 06:37:46.684 DEBUG 13446 --- [     archiver_1] i.c.o.a.ProcessInstancesArchiverJob      : Finished process instances for archiving request: 
  "constant_score" : {
    "filter" : {
      "bool" : {
        "must" : [
            "range" : {
              "endDate" : {
                "from" : null,
                "to" : "now-1h",
                "include_lower" : true,
                "include_upper" : true,
                "boost" : 1.0
            "term" : {
              "joinRelation" : {
                "value" : "processInstance",
                "boost" : 1.0
            "terms" : {
              "partitionId" : [
              "boost" : 1.0
        "adjust_pure_negative" : true,
        "boost" : 1.0
    "boost" : 1.0
 and aggregation: 
2022-04-26 06:37:46.696 DEBUG 13446 --- [     archiver_1] i.c.o.a.ProcessInstancesArchiverJob      : Nothing to archive
2022-04-26 06:37:46.697 DEBUG 13446 --- [     archiver_1] i.c.o.a.BatchOperationArchiverJob        : Finished batch operations for archiving request: 
  "constant_score" : {
    "filter" : {
      "range" : {
        "endDate" : {
          "from" : null,
          "to" : "now-1h",
          "include_lower" : true,
          "include_upper" : true,
          "boost" : 1.0
    "boost" : 1.0
 and aggregation: 
2022-04-26 06:37:46.701 DEBUG 13446 --- [     archiver_1] i.c.o.a.BatchOperationArchiverJob        : Nothing to archive
2022-04-26 06:37:47.046  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.e.w.EndpointLinksResolver        : Exposing 5 endpoint(s) beneath base path '/actuator'
2022-04-26 06:37:47.273  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.s.s.w.DefaultSecurityFilterChain       : Will not secure any request
2022-04-26 06:37:47.375  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.w.s.WelcomePageHandlerMapping    : Adding welcome page: class path resource [META-INF/resources/index.html]
2022-04-26 06:37:48.035 DEBUG 13446 --- [       Thread-2] i.c.o.w.e.w.BatchOperationWriter         : 0 operations locked
2022-04-26 06:37:48.408  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.s.l.c.s.AbstractContextSource          : Property 'userDn' not set - anonymous context will be used for read-write operations
2022-04-26 06:37:48.531  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol                : Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-6200"]
2022-04-26 06:37:48.547  INFO 13446 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.e.t.TomcatWebServer              : Tomcat started on port(s): 6200 (http) with context path ''
2022-04-26 06:37:49.216  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.Application                        : Started Application in 8.28 seconds (JVM running for 9.444)
2022-04-26 06:37:49.222  INFO 13446 --- [           main] i.c.o.s.m.SchemaMigration                : SchemaMigration finished.
2022-04-26 06:37:50.041 DEBUG 13446 --- [       Thread-2] i.c.o.w.e.w.BatchOperationWriter         : 0 operations locked
2022-04-26 06:37:52.047 DEBUG 13446 --- [       Thread-2] i.c.o.w.e.w.BatchOperationWriter         : 0 operations locked
2022-04-26 06:37:54.054 DEBUG 13446 --- [       Thread-2] i.c.o.w.e.w.BatchOperationWriter         : 0 operations locked

From the logs,you can see something like this:

i.c.o.z.ImportPositionHolder             : Latest loaded position for alias [process] and partitionId [1]: ImportPositionEntity{aliasName
='process', partitionId=1, position=179012, indexName='zeebe-8.0-record_process_8.0.0_2022-04-24'}

But in fact,the lastest indexName in zeebe’s indices,it would be ‘zeebe-8.0-record_process_8.0.0_2022-04-25’

Hi @ametresun ,
do you mean that you kept the data in Elasticsearch and fully recreated Zeebe and Operate? If so, you probably have lost Zeebe data stored on each broker node. Zeebe is using Elastic only to export data, this is not it’s primary data storage. You can read smth on how zeebe stores its data here: Resource planning | Camunda Platform 8 Docs

Best regards,