(Or/And) Operator based tasklist filtering via Rest api

Hello Camunda Team,

We are in process of evaluating Camunda 8 for handling our Workflow needs. Our system has user, groups and roles.

Department User
Agency User

A ==> Admin
B ==> Department User
C ==> Department User
D ==> Agency User
E ==> Agency User
Admin can create custom user groups
Team 1 ==> B, D
Team 2 ==> C, E

We have a process definition has a DMN that assigns events to the right candidateGroups or User.

Now we have a tasklist interface requirement for Admin User where he can see all the tasks associated with Roles, Groups and Users

Is there a way to batch these requests with OR/AND operations in tasklist api. And is this feature available in Camunda 7.


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Hello @Laksman and welcome to the community,

with Camunda 7 you can achieve this with Get List Tasks REST Api:

  • you can use orQueries request field to chain OR queries on different candidate groups or candidate users
  • you can use withCandidateGroups and withCandidateUsers to filter in tasks having candidate groups or users

In Camunda 8, for the time being, Tasklist REST api does not support that, but you can

  • filter by a given candidateGroup or candidateUser
  • get all tasks, but this will also return the ones without candidate groups or users

Note that in scope of Camunda 8.4.0, User group restrictions for user tasks was implemented (checkout the last alpha release blog post). That being said, the tasks are not filtered if they are fetched with REST Api with Identity JWT token.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards,

Thanks Houssain