I have a question regarding connectors.
I noticed that at least when running it locally a connector task from a process instance can only be executed when the last one using this connector has finished its job. So e.g. when I implement a wait of 10 seconds and start five new process instances then the first one finished after around 10 seconds, the second after around 20, the third after 30 and so on.
Is this just a limitation because of the local development environment or can I configure it so that there are more underlying workers available?
You can potentially test it today if you like by manually pulling the latest spring-zeebe release candidates into your projects in case you are using a local runtime.
Hi @micudaj, I’ve looked into this issue and found a solution. The fix for this bug will be available in connectors version 8.5.0-alpha3, 8.4.6, and 8.3.9. In essence, the issue was with com.google.api.client.http.HttpTransport —the default values for the total number of connections and the maximum per-route connections were both set to 2 . You can track the progress of this fix through the ticket at Inconsistent Parallel Task Execution with REST Outbound Connectors · Issue #2182 · camunda/connectors · GitHub
I just came back to this topic as I was updating the SDK version of our connector and I rechecked the issue.
It is still not working for us and I am not sure if the issue is matching out problem. In our case the connector is not picking up additional tasks for the service task. It waits to pick up pending once until after the first has been finished, but then trigger multiple at once if waiting.
Any ideas?
I added this picture of expected and actual behaviour with max-jobs set to 2 in hope its makes it clearer.