Hi guys,
I have a question regarding the deployment of models. We have set up a Camunda 8 installation self-managed on our Kubernetes-cluster using the Helm Charts. This has worked so far, we can access Operate, Tasklist, Keycloak, etc.
Now we want to deploy a process modell via the Modeler. As we understand in the SaaS-setup this is possible directly via the web-modeler. In the self-managed setup we need to provide a few parameters
But we dont really know where to find these parameters, can anyone help us out here? Do we have to create a client in Keycloak? We tried this as well, however we werent able to generate a client-secret, the tab for “credentials” simply was not there. Also we have no idea what callback-URL we have to use and what the “Audience” is. Any ideas?
Hi Niall, yes we have seen the console, but this is only available in the SaaS-version, right? Or can we also do this in the self-managed-version. Do you know how we can access the console there?
I think that in our case it actually is protected since we are using Keycloak with an own Ingress Controller with TLS. Is there maybe some kind of configuration that we can provide so you can take a look at what we might be missing?
Maybe the values.yaml-files?
@jonathan.lukas Quick update: we might have a problem with the port now. We managed to create a client with Keycloak and now get this error:
The problem is, that we can’t expose port 26500, since we are not using the port-forwarding-solution. Is there another way of getting to the Cluster-endpoint, if the ports are not accessible from the outside?
Sorry to intercept here but how does your setup look like? Do you use k8 with helm charts or docker? Or something else? Do you use an embedded or standalone gateway?
Just to clarify with self-managed there is no authentication for the Zeebe API, which means there is no need to create a client in keycloak. You need to access the gateway directly gateway-host:port (per default the port is 26500).
I somehow overread:
The problem is, that we can’t expose port 26500, since we are not using the port-forwarding-solution. Is there another way of getting to the Cluster-endpoint, if the ports are not accessible from the outside?
You have to make them somehow accessible either via port-forwarding or via an ingress. If this is not possible than you have to deploy an application in your cluster, which deploys your process models.
Hi @Zelldon
The issue is, that we dont know how exactly to do this. Problem was also, that we could not configure the access to the Zeebe Gateway via te Ingress because of issues with the ports. Are there any alternatives?
For checking, here is the configuration of our ingress, maybe you see something that we need to adjust here?
I can also provide your values-files, but this is over 800 lines long. Are there any specific parameters in there that we would need to take a look at?
Hi @PrashanthB not completly, we have done a workaround. We presented the solution to our colleagues, if this is still open I can send you the slides that we made for this.