Partition Raise (8.6)

we started with a partition of 1, replica and replicationfactor of 1. We changed it to partition of 3 with replica and replicationfactor 3.
We deleted the persistent storage for all zeebe pods and their respective pods. After that we wanted to scale up the cluster with Cluster scaling | Camunda 8 Docs
we Portforward the gateway to localhost with: kubectl port-forward svc/camunda-zeebe-gateway 9600:9600
But when we execute the post to http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster/brokers or get to http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster we only get back a 500 error with {
“message”: “Cannot invoke "io.camunda.zeebe.dynamic.config.state.ExportersConfig.exporters()" because the return value of "io.camunda.zeebe.dynamic.config.state.DynamicPartitionConfig.exporting()" is null”
Helm Chart: 11.1.0
Camunda: 5.6.3

ok redeploy of the zeebe pods fixed the issue. The started Zeebe Pods are 0/1 ready but logs show
org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Initializing Servlet ‘dispatcherServletRegistration’
2024-12-29 22:52:13.457 [http-nio-] INFO
org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Completed initialization in 0 ms
2024-12-29 23:01:54.467 [atomix-cluster-heartbeat-sender] INFO

on the output of actuator/cluster i also can see only one partition.

can be closed. only option we had was to remove the complete installation and throw away our data. We not have the partition we wanted.
I found a development story for the raising but as its only on milestone 1 we cannot wait with our project.

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