@Niall How to migrate data from Pega to Camunda schema?
Also, How we can configure Sybase database during camunda configuration?
Hi @siyaa21,
have a look at my post to a similar question: Migration From Pega to Camunda - #3 by Ingo_Richtsmeier
Hope this helps, Ingo
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Thanks @Ingo_Richtsmeier for your quick reply.
Could you also help how to setup Sybase database configuration?
Hi @siyaa21,
Sybase it listed under supported environments: Supported Environments | docs.camunda.org.
But you can give it a try if you have a JDBC connector and find a SQL dialect that creates the database tables in your Sybase DB. Have a look at the repo how to run the test suite against any other database: camunda-bpm-platform/TESTING.md at master · camunda/camunda-bpm-platform · GitHub.
Hope this helps, Ingo
Thanks @Ingo_Richtsmeier for quick response. Will take a look.