I’m new to Camunda / BPMN and I’ve come across a use case like below and want to understand if I can solve this by multi instance call activity and if not any other best practice to do this?
Can I run the multi intance call activity that can run a different sub process every iteration? let’s say below is my process model and I want to execute the multi-instance call activity (Sequential) to perform complex task X, Y and Z in that order. ( additional constraint is that I may have some more actions than X, Y and Z in future which I may not know now but I want to simply create another sub process and run rules task will return that action also which can be handled by multi instance activity)
Thanks, yes that was the plan to use the expression / dynamically setting the calledElement, the thing is I wanted to do it in a loop, so it could still be leveraged and be done.
I think with multi-instance call activity it’s not possible i.e. each instance will execute only one process definition, right?
Thanks @Ingo_Richtsmeier, so conclusion is not to use multi-instance call activity here but instead use a single instance call activity and manage the loop yourself, in each loop set the calledElement to whatever process you need to start