Problem Setting the Cluster Endpoint

I have a rancher kubernetes setup with the camunda helm chart installed. Now I wanted to deploy a spimple process. But there is an error and I don’t know what to do (I’m new to Camunda Self-Managed).

All pods in my cluster are running but there is this warning in the logs of the zeebe-gateway: “Unexpected error while handling message cluster-topology-sync from
io.atomix.cluster.messaging.MessagingException$NoSuchMemberException: Failed to handle message, host is not a known cluster member”.
(there is also the same message for zeebe-1 and zeebe-2)

Does anyone know what I can do?

Thanks a lot :smiley:

Check if your zeebe is in fact running on localhost:26500, it may have a different port configured or IP defined

The connection was possible with zbctl. I guess thats not the problem.
Now I am switching to combined ingress. But there is also a connection problem. I can connect to keycloak but when I am trying to connect to operate or tasklist I am forwarded to a localhost address…
But I cannot see any settings that are related to a localhost.

Any ideas?

You can check the redirect settings of operate and tasklist on clients in keycloak, if you have a specific IP configured on your artifacts, change the routes according to the correct address

I did that but if I want to connect to operate or tasklist using the specified url, I am still forwarded to localhost:18080…

Can you share your client settings on keycloak?

The Keycloak clients settings for operate (and tasklist - it’s the same):

I blacked out the sensible data. For example it’s like “”.

That’s the values.yaml:

    enabled: true
    className: nginx
    host: ""
      publicIssuerUrl: ""
        redirectUrl: ""
        redirectUrl: ""

    publicUrl: "" 
  contextPath: "/identity"

  contextPath: "/operate"
  webAppUrl: ""

  contextPath: "/tasklist"
  webAppUrl: ""

      enabled: true
      className: nginx
      host: ""

# Disable Optimize
  enabled: false

(The configurations for ingress are managed by the company I work for. It’s configured in the k8-cluster)

@LexEgg - when is the redirect to localhost happening? The usual flow would be something like:

  1. Open https://…/operate in your browser
  2. The token is unavailable or expired
  3. Redirect to an Identity URL to start the OAuth flow
  4. Redirect to the login page
  5. Enter login credentials
  6. Browser redirects to Identity
  7. Browser redirects to https://…/operate after authentication is complete

At what step is the redirect to localhost happening? (I also probably got something wrong in that list, but you get the idea! :sweat_smile:)

Thanks a lot for having a look at my problem. Actually I solved that part of the problem. I just needed to apply the ingress.yaml with my install:
helm install camunda camunda/camunda-platform -f ingress.yam
It’s because the helm chart used “port forward” in its default values.

But there is still one problem:
I can’t connect to my zeebe-gateway. I always get this warning in my Desktop Modeler in the deploy window:

I made an extra ingress for the gateway. All other ingresses are working and i can connect to operate and tasklist using the specified URLs. I also tested the connection to the zeebe-gateway using zbctl but I also get the error “unavailable”.

(In a YouTube video I saw someone setting up a Loadbalancer. With “kubectl get services” I don’t get any loadbalancer in my list. Could this be a problem?)

C:\Users\eggart>kubectl get services
NAME                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                        AGE
camunda-platform-connectors                ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP                       15h
camunda-platform-elasticsearch             ClusterIP   <none>        9200/TCP,9300/TCP              15h
camunda-platform-elasticsearch-master-hl   ClusterIP   None            <none>        9200/TCP,9300/TCP              15h
camunda-platform-identity                  ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,82/TCP                  15h
camunda-platform-keycloak                  ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP                         15h
camunda-platform-keycloak-headless         ClusterIP   None            <none>        80/TCP                         15h
camunda-platform-operate                   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                         15h
camunda-platform-optimize                  ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,8092/TCP                15h
camunda-platform-postgresql                ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP                       15h
camunda-platform-postgresql-hl             ClusterIP   None            <none>        5432/TCP                       15h
camunda-platform-tasklist                  ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                         15h
camunda-platform-zeebe                     ClusterIP   None            <none>        9600/TCP,26502/TCP,26501/TCP   15h
camunda-platform-zeebe-gateway             ClusterIP    <none>        9600/TCP,26500/TCP,8080/TCP    15h

@LexEgg - if zbctl isn’t connecting either, and just gives “unavailable,” it sounds like there is a networking issue between your client and the zeebe-gateway service. The ingress configuration is the first place I would look; I’m personally not familiar with Rancher and I’m not sure if anything additional might be needed. You should only need a load balancer if you need load balancing, and from what you’ve described so far, I don’t think you do.