I have a rancher kubernetes setup with the camunda helm chart installed. Now I wanted to deploy a spimple process. But there is an error and I don’t know what to do (I’m new to Camunda Self-Managed).
All pods in my cluster are running but there is this warning in the logs of the zeebe-gateway: “Unexpected error while handling message cluster-topology-sync from camunda-platform-zeebe-0.camunda-platform-zeebe.kw-b07d10-default.svc:26502
io.atomix.cluster.messaging.MessagingException$NoSuchMemberException: Failed to handle message, host camunda-platform-zeebe-0.camunda-platform-zeebe.kw-b07d10-default.svc:26502 is not a known cluster member”.
(there is also the same message for zeebe-1 and zeebe-2)
The connection was possible with zbctl. I guess thats not the problem.
Now I am switching to combined ingress. But there is also a connection problem. I can connect to keycloak but when I am trying to connect to operate or tasklist I am forwarded to a localhost address…
But I cannot see any settings that are related to a localhost.
You can check the redirect settings of operate and tasklist on clients in keycloak, if you have a specific IP configured on your artifacts, change the routes according to the correct address
Thanks a lot for having a look at my problem. Actually I solved that part of the problem. I just needed to apply the ingress.yaml with my install: helm install camunda camunda/camunda-platform -f ingress.yam
It’s because the helm chart used “port forward” in its default values.
But there is still one problem:
I can’t connect to my zeebe-gateway. I always get this warning in my Desktop Modeler in the deploy window:
I made an extra ingress for the gateway. All other ingresses are working and i can connect to operate and tasklist using the specified URLs. I also tested the connection to the zeebe-gateway using zbctl but I also get the error “unavailable”.
(In a YouTube video I saw someone setting up a Loadbalancer. With “kubectl get services” I don’t get any loadbalancer in my list. Could this be a problem?)
@LexEgg - if zbctl isn’t connecting either, and just gives “unavailable,” it sounds like there is a networking issue between your client and the zeebe-gateway service. The ingress configuration is the first place I would look; I’m personally not familiar with Rancher and I’m not sure if anything additional might be needed. You should only need a load balancer if you need load balancing, and from what you’ve described so far, I don’t think you do.