Criei o passo a passo feito pelo Niall no java e mesmo baixando a pasta do tomcat
e colocando o arquivo war na camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.14.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.36\webapps não acontece nada o que estaria fazendo de errado? ps: (uso docker)
se fiz algo de errado alguem poderia me passar a passo da implantação ?
Hello @Matheus_Solai,
Welcome to the community, thank you for your interest in our project!
Please note that we prefer English for communication in the forum and our projects so that all users can follow the discussion. Could you please translate your question?
Thank you and regards,
created the step by step made by Niall in java and even downloading a folder from tomcat
and putting the war file in camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.14.0 \ server \ apache-tomcat-9.0.36 \ webapps nothing happens what would be doing wrong? ps: (I use the docker)
if i did something wrong could someone pass me the implantation step?