Problems running Identity on development environment

Hi all, I have a problem starting Identity in a development environment. I need it to test the behaviour of multi-tenancy. I have installed it with the default values.yaml. Then I have modified manually the config in Rancher Desktop, reducing resources and replicas to allow my laptop to run it.
After that, all have looks like it’s all ok, but Identity doesn’t work. When I read the logs, this message is written: “Expected a valid license but encountered an invalid one instead. Please check the license key and try again.”.

Identity is supposed to work on development environment and I have not inserted any key. Does someone knows how to get it work?

Hello @crodrigo can you share your complete values.yaml?, so that will take a look and confirm if anything missed out.

Thanks for the reply, here I attach the complete values.yaml:
values.yaml (223.3 KB)

Hello @crodrigo,

Thanks for sharing your values.yaml. For local setups, we recommend enabling the minimal components initially to set up and test, and then gradually enabling other components as needed.

Meanwhile, please use the attached values-cust.yaml for your local setup.
values-cust.yaml (829 Bytes)

helm install camunda-platform camunda/camunda-platform -f values-cust.yaml --version=10.4.5

Helm chart version is option and change version if required.

Note, To free up the storage or any keycloak database login issue in identity service, you need to delete all the PVCs manually then try again your local setup.

Please refer the document for Camunda Local setup.

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Hi @Kaveri_Govindasamy,

It worked for me, thanks, something was broken in my values and I’m now building up a new values.yaml. I have added some resource limits, and I’m including other components as proposed in a step-by-step way.

Thanks again.

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