Is it possible to leverage the DecisionEngine from within a groovy script in a Task Listener? We have a situation where we’d like to derive several Task variables based on some Process variables when a Task is created, using a decision table.
I’m looking at the documentation for doing this in Java ( Evaluating Decisions using the DMN Engine API) but I can’t determine whether I would need to read the dmn file in as an inputstream if it was included with a deployment in my script.
Would I generally follow the pattern from the User Guide, adapting the java commands to script equivalents?
Thank you, Ingo. Is it also necessary to initiate the DmnEngine, as described in the docs? Or has that already occurred?
DmnEngine dmnEngine = DmnEngineConfiguration
Hi @Bill_Powell,
no, the dmn engine is part of the platform and created at startup. processEngine().getDecisionService()
is sufficient.
Hope this helps, Ingo
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Thanks for your help. Here’s the functioning code, in case anyone is interested. I’m not a java or groovy developer, so I’m winging it here. This is executed within a Sub-Process and I needed to store the decision result variables with the Parent process, hence setVariableByBusinessKey()
def setPriority(taskName) {
def dmnEngine = task.execution.getProcessEngineServices().getDecisionService()
def rush = task.execution.getVariable("rush")
def followUpDate = task.execution.getVariable("followUpDate")
def clientDueDate = task.execution.getVariable("clientDueDate")
def dmnKey = "TaskPriority_1"
def variables = Variables
.putValue("rush", rush)
.putValue("task", taskName)
.putValue("followUpDate", followUpDate)
.putValue("clientDueDate", clientDueDate)
result = dmnEngine.evaluateDecisionTableByKey(dmnKey, variables)
def priorityLevel = result.getSingleResult().get("priorityLevel")
def priorityDate = result.getSingleResult().get("priorityDate")
bk = task.execution.processBusinessKey
setVariableByBusinessKey(bk, "priorityLevel",priorityLevel)
setVariableByBusinessKey(bk, "priorityDate",priorityDate)
def setVariableByBusinessKey(businessKey, processVariable, value){
runtimeService = task.execution.getProcessEngineServices().getRuntimeService()
processInstances = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceBusinessKey(businessKey).list();
for (ProcessInstance processInstance: processInstances){
runtimeService.setVariable(processInstance.getId(), processVariable, value);