Process Priority Issue

Hi there,

I am having some trouble with Camunda process priority.
I build a script where I start 12 instances of a process in a row (all the same process definition).
The first 6 Instances have Priority 20 and the last 6 ones have Priority 30.
The process server settings are maxJobsPerAcquisition=1, queueSize=1, corePoolSize=1, maxPoolSize=1

But no matter how the Server settings are, the first 3 Instances with priority 20 will allways be the first ones to be executed.
So the execution order is:
P1, P2, P3, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P4, P5, P6

I understand the P1 is always the first one but should not the P7 at least be the second to be executed?

Below is a table with tests that I made using different Server Settings.
The deployment order is allways from P1 to P12, the values represents the execution order


Hi @saturnino,

The docs say:

By default the job executor does not impose an order in which acquirable jobs are acquired.

You have to activate the priority setting jobExecutorAcquireByPriority to true.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi Ingo,

yes, that is also already set to true.