Hi there,
I am having some trouble with Camunda process priority.
I build a script where I start 12 instances of a process in a row (all the same process definition).
The first 6 Instances have Priority 20 and the last 6 ones have Priority 30.
The process server settings are maxJobsPerAcquisition=1, queueSize=1, corePoolSize=1, maxPoolSize=1
But no matter how the Server settings are, the first 3 Instances with priority 20 will allways be the first ones to be executed.
So the execution order is:
P1, P2, P3, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P4, P5, P6
I understand the P1 is always the first one but should not the P7 at least be the second to be executed?
Below is a table with tests that I made using different Server Settings.
The deployment order is allways from P1 to P12, the values represents the execution order