Process status query during execution

I am relatively new to BPMN and to Camunda. I have searched and done some debugging with Camunda as well as reading the source code trying to find the answer to my question.

As I understand it Camunda persists process state at certain wait states defined in the docs. This makes sense. Also, if one of these wait states is never encountered in my process it will never appear in the runtime db, but rather only in the historical db after it completes.

I know that I could mark all of my tasks as ‘async-before’ which will trigger a db commit and a new thread to pick it up but this seems heavy handed.

Is there any other way to query the progress of of such a long running process that has no inherent wait states to see which step it is currently executing? I feel as if I’m missing something fundamental here.

Thank you in advance,

Hi Mike,

usually, you try to avoid long running executions without a wait state because it holds the db transaction open and blocks resources. Instead, you want to externalize the work by using asynchronous continuation, external tasks or external systems.

However, if you need to track the progress of a long running execution then you can implement your own history event handler.

Does this help you?

Best regards,