ProcessDefinitionId and ProcessInstanceId Tasklist query

Hello all!

In the February 2023 updates I saw that in version 8.2.0-alpha4 there is option for making a tasklist query with ProcessDefinitionId and ProcessInstanceId .

How can I access this?
Do I need to re-deploy my process with the 8.0.2 (alpha) version ?
If I make a request using postman as I used to, and try to add ProcessInstanceId to the query, I get:

"The variables input contains a field name ‘processInstanceId’ that is not defined for input object type ‘TaskQuery’ "

Probably, an obvious question but I have not figured out how updates work.
Thank you!!

Hi @camunda_kon,

How did you deploy Camunda 8? If you used the helm charts, you can use the upgrade command as described here:

Since the 8.2.0.-alpha4 is not a stable release, you need to specify the version of the chart explicitly.

helm upgrade camunda-platform-test camunda/camunda-platform --version 8.2.0-alpha4

In general, I recommend creating a backup beforehand:

If you follow these guides, there is no need for a redeployment.

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I am using the self-managed docker setup

In this case, you need to update the version numbers in the docker compose file.
Afterward, run

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Since data is stored in volumes, no redeployment should be necessary.
However, act with caution. The self-managed docker setup is not recommended for production use. Test the steps mentioned above in a test environment and make backups of your data.

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