Processes fail to pass on to next node

Hi Camunda Community,

we’ve recently jumped onto the Camunda BPMN train and are still in dev/test mode.
Recently we started experiencing a rather strange problem:

We’re deploying a process definition, then start a process instance and everything is running as expected.
But after a system reboot processes get kind of stuck at some node for no apparent reason. In some instances it’s after having completed a service worker (external, NodeJS), in other instances it’s a start event of a call activity.
Only redeploying the process definition helps.
To me this behaviour doesn’t seem to be intended so I’m expecting some sort of error somewhere.
The engine logs keep quiet about any potential error.
Any advice on this would be appreciated.

Here are the details of the setup:

  • Camunda Engine: 7.14.0 (running in Docker)
  • DB: MySQL v5.7
  • Host System: Ubuntu 20.04

Deployment is currenty (in dev mode) made via Camunda Modeler.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

For docker image setup bpm-platform.xml

      <property name="jobExecutorDeploymentAware">false</property>

I am using the same evniroment (docker + node.js) in production except mysql - use postgres 13.2


Hi Maxim,
thanks a lot, that did the trick!
I did stumble across this parameter in the past, but somehow didn’t link it to my problem.

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