I have two processes starting with spring boot and one invoking the other. The problem is that in my first process I do not have the second JAVA binaries causing ENGINE-09017 Can not load class. How do I proceed to use Spring Boot and containers with isolated processes?
I have this process called Test1 starting in a spring boot project and calling my process Test2.
And i have this process called Test2.
The two are started on separate spring boot projects and with the same postgres base configured for both. As you can see in figure 1, the Test1 process calls the Test2 process that fails because it does not have access to the JAVA binaries (Test2Delegate).
My question is if I can have processes in projects with separate spring boot and with their binaries being called between each other.
call activities are executed synchronously in the same thread, so camunda starts your sub-process and fails.
You can set the start-event of the sub-process to async-before, then a job is created and processed by the jobexecutor. If you then use the job-executor deployment aware flag, the job will only be executed on the other node. Keep in mind that deployment aware only works if you use @EnableProcessApplication and processes.xml, not if you use the spring-auto-deployment (default) setting.
I’m using @SpringBootApplication @EnableProcessApplication in my main class. Anything more to disable spring-auto-deployment?
you should see a log statement that auto-deployment is disabled if you use the annotation. Nothing else required. but you need an (empty) META-INF/processes.xml to make sure the deployment resources are scanned and processed.
This log “STARTER-SB020 ProcessApplication enabled: autoDeployment via springConfiguration#deploymentResourcePattern is disabled”?
damn, I need 20 chars, cannot just say “yes”