I am looking for code snippets/ examples for programmatically creating DMN Requirements graph (DmnDecisionRequirementsGraph)
Although i have come across creating DMN Tables and Rules via Java API , I did not get how to create Requirements graph yet
Any pointers will be appreciated
Hi Sashank,
I’m not aware of an example. That said, the DMN model API is a simple Java wrapper on top of the DMN semantic model that lets you create DMN models. That means, XML elements have matching Java interfaces (e.g. a decision
element is an instance of org.camunda.bpm.model.dmn.instance.Decision
in Java). I recommend you create a DRG via Camunda modeler, then inspect the XML and recreate the XML structure via the model API, where this docs chapter would be the starting point: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.8/user-guide/model-api/dmn-model-api/create-a-model/