Hi Community Folk,
Every year the people working for Camunda that enjoy coding get together to build cool stuff that interests them. I wrote a short blog post on just a few of the projects that i liked. I wanted to highlight a few more of them here because i think a lot of these would be found really useful my the community.
If there is something here (or in the blog post above) you found really interesting, let us know! Some times with enough traction these projects can make there way into becoming real features and supported plugins.
Camunda Presentation Studio
A better audience experience for live and recorded Camunda Events by Sebastian
Convert Excel files to DMN Modeles
A Camunda Modeler plugin to convert .xlsx files to dmn 1.3 by Niklas, Felix
NestJS client for Camunda BPM
Integrate the Node.js External Task Client into NestJS by Tassilo
bpmn-spec Testing Tool
A tool to write test for BPMN workflows by Philipp
Zdb - Zeebe debug and inspection tool
a cli tool to inspect the internal state and log of a Zeebe partition by Deepthi, Zell and Nico
Zeebe / AWS EventBridge Integration
Process zeebe service tasks in the AWS universe by Bernd and Corny
Testing process with Junit 5
As a process developer I want to write test based on JUnit 5. And keep all the other cool features like camunda-bpm-assert and camunda-bpm-process-test-coverage by Ingo
DMN Testing Plugin
Evaluate DMN decisions straight from Camunda Modeler by Max, Maciej and Stefan
gRPC External Task API - Feature parity
Bring the gRPC External Task API to feature parity with the REST API by Tobias
bpmnjs modeler history panel
A recorded and visualized history of what you’ve modeled in Camunda by Omran
Optimize Kafka/Pulsar importer
Camunda BPM history events -> Apache Pulsar -> Optimize (bye bye polling) by Yourhighness and Rags