Provide visual instance view (SVG) via API call

Is there REST API to get visual image (SVG) of a running or completed process instance?

My scenario:
I have a web-page where end users can see the real-time status of the BPMN flow, given process instance id as input.
While Operate is good for process admins, I am trying to extend the image-view to the end users.

is this possible?

The APIs supported by Operate are available on the SaaS platform itself.

I was able to see the listed operations here, however there is no API that returns the image version of the process instance.


There is in fact GET operation for a given process key.

Hi @hjrc-ct,

with the libraries, there is no need to store an extra image file for the diagram.

The easiest way would be to add the bpmn-viewer to your app and load the BPMN XML file, as Operate does it.

If you need the image, you can use the library to convert the BPMN file into an image.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Thank you for the pointers; its very helpful.

I will give it a go and revert in case of any further questions.

I was able to get the bpmn diagram rendered by using the JS library.
Below is a working snippet - Vue JS project. (Day Trip - Business Process)

Next step:
Highlight specific element(s) in the process instance, to indicate the ‘current in-progress’ element.

In C8, I can get the json output of the steps executed/completed. I would like to use green tick to show the completed steps.