could somebody please explain the purpose of the field org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl#adminGroups?
Is it so that, when I add a group id into this list at process engine start, all members of this group will automatically get all the possible permissions without having to explicitly grant them?
thank you for the quick reply. I asked because we use an LDAP for user management. I then added a group id into the list stored in adminGroups (created a small process engine plugin) but still the members of the group did not get all permissions, i.e. I could not execute all actions in the camunda GUI. The permissions had to be explicitly granted using the authorization service. That’s why I asked about what this list is good for.
Yes, kind of like, as I see now. But then, my question still remains unanswered: what is the purpose of the variable adminGroups if adding values to that list does not effectively allow members of those groups do anything?
I’d expect a logic of kind “Look into the list. If the user is there then allow the action; otherwise consult granted permissions.” But it is apparently not the case.
I can’t remember exactly, but it could be that the purpose was as you guessed in the early days and Camunda got a fine grained autorization system later on.