Quick check: were there any issues with using the blog post as a reference because important info was out-of-date? It’s almost 6 months old at this point, and we haven’t updated it since it was originally published. I’d like to get a guide similar to the blog post into the docs at some point, but not sure when we’ll get to it, and it’d be nice for the blog post to fill that gap for as long as possible
I think the Signature of ActivateJobRequest has changed since 0.17.0: the “amount” parameter has changed to “maxJobsToActivate”. So the the Python Code had to be changed:
Hi @rewantsoni, I added a note to the top of the blog post so it’s clear we haven’t updated it changes to Zeebe’s protocol, but for now, we are going to leave it as-is. Note that the general steps listed there will still work with newer versions of Zeebe, but you’ll need to check the current gateway.proto file for changes to the protocol.
But if we ever move these steps into the documentation, we’ll be sure to keep it up to date.