Quarkus DMN Engine

Hello everyone,

I’m very new to this whole topic and have some troubles setting up Quarkus and DMN Engine.

I was able to setup the ProcessEngine via the processes.xml which seems to work according to the logs:
[org.cam.bpm.engine] (Quarkus Main Thread) ENGINE-00001 Process Engine default created.

I also think I was able to deploy a resource (example.dmn) file - I’m not fully sure, as it is not explicitly stated so in the logs - with:

public void createDeployment(@Observes CamundaEngineStartupEvent event) {

However, I’m stuck on how to use the engine to evaluate decision tables configured in the example.dmn.

Does anybody know, how do I get an instance of the ProcessEngine, DmnEngine or DecisionService with Quarkus?

Things that didn’t work so far:

  • Injection a ProcessEngine with @Inject ProcessEngine - ends up in a NPE
  • @ProcessApplication with @PostDeploy didn’t work - it’s not executed automatically
  • Also creating a DmnEngine with DmnEngineConfiguration.createDefaultDmnEngineConfiguration().buildEngine(); causes a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.odysseus.el.util.SimpleContext and according to this link Dmn table error -ClassNotFoundException de.odysseus.el.util.SimpleContext - #2 by Philipp_Ossler I should not instanciate my own, but rather use an existing DecisionService.

Any help is very much appreciated, thanks.