Questions about Element Templates


I’m working on getting some custom tasks set up through Element Templates with the Camunda Modeler, and I had two questions.

Firstly, Is there a way to insert standalone labels or other text into the Custom Fields section of the Properties Panel? We previously used the legacy Eclipse plugin, and a number of our fields necessitated subtitles or specific instructions in addition to the fields and their titles themselves. Basically, is there any way to customize the Custom Fields section that doesn’t involve adding input fields with bindings?

Secondly, when we used the Eclipse plugin, all of our extensionElements were of the type ‘camunda:field’, with an expression and a name. However, it doesn’t look like this is supported through Element Templates. We have been forced to use the type ‘camunda:property’. While this has the same basic name-value mapping of ‘camunda:field’, it looks like there is a key difference - specifically that the values of ‘camunda:property’ are not expressions. Our Java delegate classes function correctly with our new Element Templates except when trying to evaluate variables or access Spring bean methods in the ${var} form.

I’m not sure 100% what the cause of this is, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the values in ‘camunda:property’ are strings instead of expressions. What is the recommended way to remedy this? Is there a way to get expressions into the value of ‘camunda:property’? Is there some other type of extensionElement we should be using? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,