Random LimitBefore error on pod startup

I don’t know for sure what is causing this error, but sometimes I see my pod startup and it starts spamming:

org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error querying database. Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter for property named ‘limitBefore’ in ‘class org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.TaskQueryImpl’ ### Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter for property named ‘limitBefore’ in ‘class org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.TaskQueryImpl

We still don’t knowing how to replicate the error, but sometimes our camunda application starts spamming “There is no getter for property named ‘limitBefore’” and then stops working.

Could you please help us?

1 - We’re using camunda-engine-spring-boot-starter v3.4.0.
2 - We’re using Springboot v2.2.0 and Tomcat v5.5 with Java 11.
3 - We’re using mysql database with version v5.7.36 and using mysql-connector-java v8.0.28.
4 - Hosting application into GKE.

How do us go on to solve the problem? (It is a big problem, because our healthcheck endpoint doesn’t see the exception throwing and it does not restart automatically.)

Hey @lokyrech, thank you for your question! I am unfortunatelly not able to replicate the issue locally to assist you further. Does the log you attached come from the engine or from Optimize? And what do you mean by stops working?

Hello, as you can see in the print it happens on engine.

And answering your question, it stops working and get spamming that error, it does not proceed with the process of the bpmn.

Hi, i faced the same problem.

The solution that worked for me is update Camunda to version 7.13