Refreshing LdapIdentityProviderPlugin ManagerPassword to comply with company std

We have implemented LdapIdentityProviderPlugin to control the Login and Authorization on Camunda 7.* version. But our company has a password expiry policy applied on all service accounts . We are looking for some option to refresh the ManagerPassword during any “Could not authenticate with LDAP server” .

Please can you suggest how to implement the refresh password form existing LdapIdentityProviderPlugin implementation ?

Eapen John

Hi @eapentjohn,

the next version of Camunda 7 (7.20-alpha4) offers some framework extensions to build a plugin to change the password directly in Cockpit or Admin.

I will publish an example once it is finished.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi Ingo,

that is a good news. Hope with the latest change we will be able to call some custom method

Out of curiosity i have some doubts

  • How do you able to update the password from Cockpit or Admin once the password is expired as the user wont be able to login?

Eapen John

Hi @eapentjohn,

the feature intercepts the response from LDAP and forwards this on given conditions to the frontend, where you can react in a way you can/like. Here, you could provide a link to a page to change the password (easy) or implement the password change logic directly in the plugin (difficult, at least for me).

Hope this helps, Ingo