Regarding Camunda and Spring Boot

I’m trying to build a bpmn process which includes dmn as well as part of the process for example my bpmn looks like this [startevent->dmn file → dmn file ->so on dmnfile…-> endevent ]

The requirement is to start the process from other spring boot project not with any forms. So the output shall be list .

Can someone tell how exactly i can do it.


You can start a process from an external source using the rest api.

Specifically this call: Start Process Instance |

Thanks Niall, but my input json does’t have any value like the following, How do I handle this case
“variables”: {
“aVariable” : {
“value” : “aStringValue”,
“type”: “String”
“anotherVariable” : {
“value” : true,
“type”: “Boolean”
“businessKey” : “myBusinessKey”

please find my bpmn file

main.bpmn (3.9 KB)
attached and suggest accordingly. Thank you in advance.

Maybe you should abstract your BPMN from your API. To your client, you should present a nice REST Api, like we use to build with @RestController.

So when you receive a call in your REST Api, use java to start an instance of your process, passing some input variables in it. This way you can transform your input DTO to any kind of variable you want in your process, and in the future you can change your process variables without breaking changes to your API Clients.


public class ProductController { 
    private RuntimeService runtimeService; 
    @ApiOperation(value = "execute a product process") 
    @PostMapping(value = "products") 
    public String createProduct(@RequestBody ProductInputDTO input) { 
        return runtimeService.createProcessInstanceByKey("my-process-definition") 
                    .setVariable("name", input.getName()) 
                    .setVariable("value", input.getValue()) 

If you know your process will end automatically and you need to get some data to return to your API Client, you can change the “.execute()” to “.executeWithVariablesInReturn()”. This will return a “ProcessInstanceWithVariables” and you can get the variables generated by the process from that object, and then map it to your desired output DTO.

Thanks Jean , I did the same as you mentioned , but it always give 404 not found error when ever I did the end point. Please advice.

Hmm, but the endpoint you are trying to call is from your webservice, described as a @RestController?
if its is, then maybe its not a camunda problem but a general springboot microservice problem. :frowning:

If you find a way to share with me a simplified copy of your project with this problem by direct message here, i`ll be happy to try and help you with it.

@tshrvni Could you provide the endpoint which you’re trying to invoke??