Relevance of Extension properties in Camunda

What is the actual use of extension properties and what sort of properties does it include? Is it necessary to use extension property in most cases? Can anyone help me to understand more about extension properties with examples

Hello @mlvka ,

exension properties are mostly used to implement something custom which needs a marker.

Example: You want something custom to happen on some of the elements.

Then, you would add an extension property and then refer to it in a custom parse listener.

Or, another example: Usually, the History Level of the engine is engine-wide.

By using an extension property on a process element, you can flag it for a custom history level. On engine side, you would then implement something that reads the value and applies the custom logic.


Thank you for the response.
Can you please give a simple example to clarify about the properties… I mean what all kinds of properties can be added to a task using extension properties?

Hello @mlvka ,

given the history level example, you could use a key like historyLevel and a value like FULL.

Both fields are text fields, so the implementation you provide to read the value determines the format.

You could for example write inline json, expressions or even scripts.
