Requesting spring-zeebe camunda team to update the version compatibility and readme file

Hi team,
I have faced an issue when working on spring zeebe with SpringBoot version 3.2 it was due to version compatibility
I went to spring-zeebe github page, It was not updated based on the latest camunda, spring-zeebe version

@EnableZeebeClient which is deprecated in latest version is still showing in readme

New users might find this confusing, Please make changes to it.

Thank you

Hi @Praveen_Kumar_Reddy - the team is actively working on supporting newer versions of Spring Boot to coincide with the 8.3 release. There is lots of work documented in the issues and PRs in the repository (for instance: Update Spring Boot to latest 3.x dependency · Issue #470 · camunda-community-hub/spring-zeebe · GitHub).

I will pass the feedback about the README along to the engineering team, but spring-zeebe is intended to be an open-source and community-driven project. You are welcome to open a pull request with changes to the README that you think would beneficial!

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