Hi ,
we are getting ResourceExhausted error from Zeebe during deployment application from a worker instance. This we are executing during the initial startup phase of the .net application and configured 7 instance for the particular type.
please can you help us to debug the issue?
Eapen T John
Full error
We are executing the workflow deployment command using .net zb-client nuget package
i dont see new messages on any of the zeebe brokers . but just seeing a lot of snapshot warnings on logs
This is an intermittent error comes from application , most of the times it is business as usual
Just something came to my thinking , do we need to use any unregister action against broker during application shutdown.
Eapen T John
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September 11, 2020, 2:09pm
It sounds like it could be this?
opened 12:12PM - 14 Nov 19 UTC
closed 08:40AM - 15 Jun 21 UTC
Hi there!
I use one of the latest version of Zeebe under the hook (took a sna… pshot after 0.21.1).
Since this morning I have had an error **ResourceExhausted** when I try to upload an updated workflow. It's reproduced stably. It's strange since I have no load on my 5-nodes cluster. I have some workers connected but there are no active instances.
Here is my config:
# For more information about this configuration visit:
cpuThreadCount = 40
enabled = true
host = ""
id = "log"
className = "org.projectx.LogExporter"
Here is the command:
```ls -d $dpmn_sources_dir/* | xargs /usr/local/zeebe/bin/zbctl --certPath ca-cert --address $ZEEBE_HOST deploy```
and here is the result:
```Error: rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = Reached maximum capacity of requests handled```
How can I deal with it?
One more thing about performance: how is it better to monitor Zeebe cluster state in production environment? I have Zeebe metrics active + Prometeus/Grafana connected. Is it enough in general? Is there a guide somewhere maybe? :)
Is there any reason you are using 0.23.2?
1 Like
its always lot of work to get all the items updated. we will be updating to latest soon
Eapen T John
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