Rest API Get Tasklist with dueBefore

Hi Team,

As in rest api documentatio, I am trying to get duedate before tasks using below restapi.


But geeting error as

{“type”:“InvalidRequestException”,“message”:“Cannot set query parameter ‘dueBefore’ to value ‘2018-01-23T14:42:45’: Cannot convert value “2018-01-23T14:42:45” to java type java.util.Date”}

Appriciate your help.

Hi @kedarik,

the date for the parameter need the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ (e.g., 2018-01-08T13:42:45.243+0200). Please see our documentation.


Hi Kristin,

Thanks for reply.

The date using this way “2018-01-02T09:45:00.000UTC+00:00” works fine.

Thanks a lot .