when using the camunda engine java api’s, i noticed that there is no way to get the process instance diagram (image) with the current state.
however there is a rest-api defined in the official camunda docs:
that offers the process instance diagram as an image, but when i tested the rest-api i got only a 204 response with an empty body.
can any one explain to me how i can represent the process instance diagram or provide an example?
why the rest api is not working well ?
the doc says:
If the process definition’s deployment contains an image resource with the same file name as the process definition
This was an old approach before bpmn.io was available. The Modeleing tool generated a png file of the process model and deployed both, picture and xml file in the same deployment to the engine.
Today you usually deploy the xml only and use the bpmn-js viewer to render the process model in the browser.
No picture is required any more and bpmn-js viewer does the job.
You can find a simple example here: camunda-7-code-examples/snippets/jsf-simple-tasklist at main · camunda-consulting/camunda-7-code-examples · GitHub
Hope this helps, Ingo
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