Rest API: /metrics Interval cannot be less than 900 seconds (default camunda config)?

Looking at:

The interval for which the metrics should be aggregated. Time unit is seconds. Default: The interval is set to 15 minutes (900 seconds).

and Metrics |

The process engine flushes the collected metrics to the runtime database tables in an interval of 15 minutes.

Based on the above, and testing, does this mean that the internal that is provided in Rest API /metrics endpoint cannot be less than 15 minutes (900) seconds? (because the engine only flushes the metrics (by default) every 15 minutes).

This would be a great ENV var for the docker container!

Hi Stephen,

the reporting interval can be changed by implementing a ProcessEnginePlugin.


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Hey @tasso94 I understand that the reporting interval can be changed. But what is not clear from the docs, is how the interval parameter in the /metrics works. Based on testing, by default, the interval value cannot be less than 15mins. Can @camunda validate this?

Hi Stephen,

in general we try to keep the rest api as lean as possible by exposing the bare functionality provided by the engine without any additional logic. If it is not described explicitly in the rest reference manual you can assume that it works very similar to the java api. However, we appreciate it if you could contribute to the documentation to make it more precise. :slight_smile:


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