We’ve been trying to use Start Process Instance REST API to send a JSON payload in a variable.
The JSON payload looks like
"variables": {
"json" : {
"value" :
"id": 0,
"href": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"type": "string",
"version": "string",
"state": "Inactive",
"id": "string",
"href": "string"
"type": "string",
"valueInfo" :
"transient" : true,
"objectTypeName" : "CreateService",
"serializationDataFormat" : "JacksonDataFormatConfigurator"
"businessKey" : "aaasc",
"withVariablesInReturn": true
The attribute “json” when reaches to first service task (JavaDelegate), becomes string
"value": "{id=0, href=string, name=string, description=string, type=string, version=string, state=Inactive, serviceSpecification={id=string, href=string}}",
How can we send the JSON string or probably some deserialized object (CreateService)?
Help or hints can help us to proceed in right direction