I`m new to Camunda BPM solution.
I`m building SPA which aims to implement generic task forms (similar to the auto generated AngularJS forms)
No I am getting the meta data via REST calls using get-form-variables:
I need to expose more information about the fields like the type. I need to be able to determent whether the field is date time, enum, URL, or else.
Just like here I have the same issue:
h ttps://forum.camunda.org/t/user-task-form-field-enum-form-variable-rest-api-does-not-return-enum-data/347
How can I add more information to the fields ?
Can I somehow add something to the “valueInfo”: {} ?
Alternatively, can I use custom type (POJO) for describe the fields information ?
Is there a documentation/example for that ?
Best Regards,