Retries : strange behavior

I have a process like this (Unfortunately I can’t share the real process):

When I tested the process, with a scenario where all the jobs (service Task) are KO. I have a strange behavior that I cannot explain it

Config for all jobs:

  • Retry Time Cycle: R6 / PT10M
  • Async Before: True
  • Exclusive: True
  • A classe delegate : MyDelegate is attached to all jobs with the following code
JobExecutorContext jobExecutorContext = Context.getJobExecutorContext();
if (jobExecutorContext!=null && jobExecutorContext.getCurrentJob()!=null )

throw new RuntimeException("");//to cause the ko


A1 & B1
Time Retries
08:51 3
09:54 5
10:04 4
10:14 3
10:24 2
10:35 1
A2 , A3 & A4
Time Retries
09:02 3
09:12 5
09:22 4
09:33 3
09:43 2
09:54 1

We can notice that:

  • Camunda executed A1 and b1 only once at 8:51.

  • After that Camunda paused retries for A1/B1 and started execution/retries for A2/A3/A4.

  • At 09:54 (after having completed the retries of A2/A3/A4) Camunda returned to A1/B1 and continued the retries.

Why Camunda paused retries for A1/B1 ?
Can you help me explain this strange behavior ? How can I fix it?

Any idea ? Plz